Student Bio

Donovan Courtney

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Husband and father of 4 spawns ranging from 11 to 21 - the youngest being my fellow coding nerd. My free time is spent PC (master race) gaming, tinkering with Unity3D projects (helping my son), occasionally dipping into 3D modeling/sculpting, and hiding from the Sun.

My career in Cyber Security started when I joined the Marine Corps in '98. I was officially trained and labeled as a Morse Code Operator however due to the lack of morse code targets I fell into the role of digital network analysis. My second duty station was working at NSA facilities in Maryland where I did a deep dive into Cyber Security. From there I transitioned into the civilian workforce as a DoD contractor for several years in Maryland eventually making my way through West Virginia working for the FBI and finally landing in Florida. For the last 7 years, I've taught Cyber Security courses to new military members.

While I've enjoyed my time in Cyber Security, it was a career I didn't choose. The times I did commit to writing scripts or attempting to create an app were fun, challenging, and extremely rewarding. So the last couple of years I set out to change my career path by first completing my B.S. in Information Technology degree (focus in software development) and now the Coding Bootcamp (to become more comfortable and proficient with coding).